• Find a bike

    Find an available bike at the nearest station.

  • Ride

    Use the mobile app to unlock a bike and cruise around town!

  • Return

    Return the bike to one of the 64 stations. The bike and the application will confirm the correct return!

  • See how it works
    Jusqu'à nouvel ordre, plusieurs stations seront fermées : - SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR - EUROPE LESSARD - FOUACHE CORNEILLE - MENDES FRANCE - GARIBALDI - RASPAIL - CITÉ GRENET - FOUDRE-MEDIATHEQUE - VOLTAIRE - JEAN-JAURES - SEINE INNOPOLIS - LAFAYETTE - FRANÇOIS TRUFFAUT Ces stations ne permettront donc plus de démarrer ou de terminer un trajet. Seules les stations qui apparaissent sur la carte de l'application LOVÉLO Libre-Service sont opérationnelles. Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée.
    infos travaux

    New city bikes in Rouen to make your trips easier. Make the most of your summer with the new LOVÉLO SELF-SERVICE service offered by the Métropole Rouen Normandie.

    These self-service bikes are equipped with connected padlocks to unlock and lock your bike on the arches of the stations provided for this purpose.
    Tip: Self-service LOVELO hoops are easy to recognize, they are raspberry coloured.

    Step 1 : choose a subscription duration